I am feeling much better now. I am almost hesitant to write that because every time I do, I get a major migraine and get super sick for a day, but I also have great days, so overall I’m feeling quite a bit better.
I am really feeling the baby move now! I started feeling flutters at about the 18-week mark, but now he/she is moving all the time, and I’m feeling more pronounced kicks. Most of the time, I can place my hand on my belly and feel the movement from the outside too, but the baby always stops when I try to get Chris to do it! He is always a little sad when he hears me laugh from the movement, so I’m hoping he gets to experience it soon too. It’s one of the coolest feelings ever and makes it that much more real.
I’m definitely wanting to nest all the time these days, so I’m eager to find out what we’re having so I can really start planning the nursery. I have a vague idea of what I want it to look like, but certain things will definitely change depending on whether it’s a boy or a girl.
I’m so excited for our big ultrasound today! We are having a gender reveal party on Saturday, so I will hopefully have a post ready for y’all on Monday! I wanted to go through some of the old wives’ tales before we find out, though, and give y’all an idea of what we think, too!
Old Wives' Tales
Heart Rate Above 140 (Girl) or Below (Boy): At our first ultrasound at 10 weeks, the heart rate was 173. At our next appointment at 16 weeks, the heart rate was 156. That’s a GIRL prediction.
Beauty Glowing (Boy) or Stolen (Girl): I have never really had acne, but all of a sudden, I do! It was actually one of the first things that made me think I was pregnant. That’s another GIRL prediction.
Craving Sour & Salty (Boy) or Sweet (Girl): Give me all the berries! I also finally got to eat a peach, and it was just as wonderful as I imagined it to be! Ha! My strangest craving so far has been eating bread on its own (I’m not much of a bread eater), but that doesn’t really fit in either category. My biggest craving has definitely been fruits, so that’s one for GIRL.
Morning Sickness (Girl) or Feeling Great (Boy): Morning sickness is an understatement. Until recently, I was best buds with the toilet. Definitely one for GIRL.
Chinese Gender Prediction: I’m not super sure how this one works, but I plugged in my birthday and the baby’s due date on a website, and it predicted GIRL.
Sleep Position Left (Boy) or Right (Girl): I’ve always slept on my left side, so that’s a prediction for BOY.
Headaches (Boy) or No Headaches (Girl): I’ve had a ton of migraines, so that’s another one for BOY.
Mood Swings (Girl) or Calm (Boy): I’ve mentioned before that I have been way more emotional than usual, so that’s one for GIRL.
As far as old wives’ tales go, that’s six for GIRL and two for BOY. Here are a few other notes:
Mother’s Intuition: I haven’t really felt strongly in one way or the other. The only reason I think it could be a boy is Chris and I are really set on a girl name and can’t think of anything for a boy. Funny enough, there is an old wives’ tale that says if you can only think of names for one gender, it’s that gender, but it seems to me it would be the opposite. Obviously, it doesn’t mean anything, but it’s fun to consider!
My Side of the Family: My mom and my brother both think it’s a boy. My brother actually had a dream that it’s a boy. My mom is way more intuitive than I am, though she didn’t find out what I was until she had me and was super convinced I would be a boy! Haha.
Chris’s Side of the Family: Most of his side of the family thinks it’s a girl! One of his cousins “requested” for us to have a girl because he and his wife are having a girl at the end of June.
It’s been fun to guess over these last few months, but Chris and I are both ready to know! I can’t wait to share what we’re having with y’all soon!

This is so exciting! I don't think I would be able to wait to find out either. I can't wait for your big reveal! Take lots of pictures to share with us.
ReplyDeleteI'm a big believer in the Chinese gender chart, so my money is on GIRL! 💕
ReplyDeleteHow exciting. I'm not good are predicting and usually get it wrong. I don't know how people wait to find out at the birth. I hate surprises so I totally would want to know. haha. Congrats!!
ReplyDeleteI totally think it is a girl!!! I had no inclination either way with ours, and we didn't find out until they were both born! It was fun to wait and guess :)
ReplyDeleteI ALWAYS put money on the morning sickness thing. Too much estrogen causes the nausea so girl... & it usually works out for me - so with you & the toilet being best buds - I'm saying GIRL!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing a girl! For my first her heart rate was super high which is why I'm guessing girl
ReplyDeleteAhhhhh! So excited you find out today!! Can't wait... very excited for you!
ReplyDeleteHave fun today girlie!!! Can't wait to hear either way!! :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to guess twins! Since everyone I know seems to be having twins. Hope you guys have a great time revealing the gender to your friends and family! Looking forward to finding out the gender!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend!
Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis
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ReplyDeleteIt's so fun reading this just after reading your other post with the gender reveal! We only had girl names picked out so I was convinced that meant it had to be a girl, but Christopher kept saying that it's more likely to be a boy then because that would make a better story. ;) In our case, we got lucky and she turned out to be a girl so we didn't have to come up with something for a boy, haha! I'm sure you guys will come up with the perfect name now that you know he's a boy, though!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting. We are also expecting our first child so we are kinda nervous too. We had faced a lot of complications and then we took correct pregnancy planning process. Now we are pregnant. So its a blessing for us.