If we were having coffee…
I would tell you I am so stressed out about moving on Saturday. Usually I know we are moving way ahead of time, so this move feels like it snuck up on me. I know it’ll all be worth it once we move, but right now it doesn’t sound super appealing.
I would tell you we got Chris’s schedule for his next year of residency (which starts in July), and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. He works 18 weeks of nights, and about half the weekends in the year. I have never been more grateful to match close to family. The silver lining is he magically got both Thanksgiving and Christmas off (His big holidays to work this year are Fourth of July, Labor Day, New Year’s Day, and Easter). Chris told me it means next year will be rough for holidays, but I am choosing to enjoy what we got this year.
I would share I am having the hardest time trying to figure out where to go for our birthdays and anniversary this year. I have a feeling I will be desperate to get out of the heat, so I’m focusing on places cooler than here. It’s hot pretty much everywhere at the end of July, though, so we’ll see! Usually, I’m good at deciding on a vacation spot, but this time, I’m just feeling stuck. Maybe I’ll have better luck once the stress of moving is behind us.
I would probably say that even though we are busy with moving, Chris and I are still trying to make the most of the last few weekends he doesn’t work. He’s working 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. most days right now, so we usually need a date night by the time weekends come along. Last night we went out for sunset fajitas (fajitas smothered in queso and fried onions) for the first time in months, and it was the best.
Basically all I want to eat these days for snacks is berries. I just love berry season because of how fresh everything tastes. Raspberries are my favorite, but I will eat pretty much any berry.
After months of being hot and cold with reading, I have been on a roll lately. I just finished Close Enough to Touch by Colleen Oakley, and I would definitely recommend it!
Now it's your turn! What's going on in your life?