The Siberian American: A Year in Review: 2017

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Year in Review: 2017

Happy New Year, friends! Now that Anthony is a bit older, I am hoping to start blogging regularly again. This will be my only post this week, but then next week, I want to start my normal schedule. I’m writing that here so I can try to commit to it. 2017 will always be a special year for us because it was the year we became parents! After a difficult 2016, I am so thankful 2017 brought us Anthony!


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We kicked off 2017 in a different way than usual. Chris had been working a lot, so instead of going to a party, we decided to celebrate the new year as a couple by going to Texas de Brazil. We had a blast reminiscing over 2016 and bringing in 2017 together! I started out January full of hope, and I even made that my word of the year. I was hopeful 2017 would be better than 2016, but the one thing I was truly hoping for was that I would get pregnant in 2017.


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February brought us a lot of joy as I found out I was pregnant on February 17! Christopher and I kept it a secret for a week (here is how I told him) before telling both sets of parents right before our trip to Colorado. We had a wonderful time exploring Colorado Springs and Breckenridge with my in-laws.


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We got back from Colorado in early March, and I almost instantly started feeling horrible morning sickness. March was a bit rough, but I was so thankful for the little one growing inside me that I didn’t care. My very first prenatal visit was March 31, and it was amazing to see the little peanut for the first time and hear the heartbeat. That was also the day we shared we were pregnant with the rest of the family and some close friends.


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You can really start telling by the amount of posts I wrote that I had a rough April. It was also busy as we moved to a bigger apartment and celebrated Easter! We also ran around on what was the coldest day by far in April with giant baby balloons to prepare for our pregnancy announcement.

Easter Sunday selfie

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On Mother’s Day, I finally shared our pregnancy with the world! It felt so great to be able to share our joy. We had a busy month with my brother-in-law’s wedding and my parent’s housewarming back to back.


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June was also really special because we found out we were having a little boy! We had a fun gender reveal party where we shared our news. We also decided we were going to go to Maine for our babymoon!


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July is always a really busy month for us, and 2017 was no exception. Chris started the hardest year of his residency, and we celebrated both of our birthdays and our eight-year wedding anniversary on our babymoon to Maine. We struggled picking a location for our trip, but it turned out to be the perfect place to go before baby!


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August was another fun month. We had our first baby shower and I planned a fun weekend for my best friend’s bachelorette party. We did an “Only in Dallas” Food Tour that I still need to share on here!


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Our last full month before baby was super busy! We had another fun baby shower, celebrated our ten-year dating anniversary (which is exactly a month before I gave birth to Anthony!), and I helped with the coordination of a conference of doctors’ wives. We also took our maternity photos when I was 36 weeks pregnant.


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We spent the first few weeks of October preparing for our little Anthony! We went to one last party on October 1, and I realized I was at the point in pregnancy where it was just too difficult to go out to parties. We also went to our birthing class (and the second part, which was taking care of an infant, was actually the day I gave birth! The instructor came and visited us when she found out.) Chris and I went on a few dates, and exactly a week before Anthony was born, I had one last dinner date with some great friends. My water broke at 3:30 a.m. on October 19, and Anthony Christopher was born at 3:46 a.m. on October 20. I had severe preeclampsia during labor, had to have a blood transfusion a few days after he was born, and then got discharged only to come back with a kidney infection a few hours later. Needless to say, I was so happy when I got discharged on October 28, and we could officially start our journey as a family of three!


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I basically completely took November off of blogging as we adjusted to life with a newborn! The highlights of this month were, of course, watching Anthony grow, and my dad turning 50 on November 3. We also celebrated Anthony’s first Thanksgiving!


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December started out with two straight weeks of nights for Chris, so we spent the time with my mom. It was nice because Chris could sleep upstairs during the day while Mom and I spent time with Anthony. He would have constantly woken Chris up in our apartment otherwise. The holiday season with Anthony was the best—we decorated the tree and spent Christmas weekend at my in-laws’ house before coming back on Christmas Day to spend some time with my family.

I’m so thankful for everything that happened in 2017, but I am even more excited for 2018 and our first full year with Anthony.


  1. I love the fact that there's so many fellow bloggers that had babies together! It's so much fun to see the babies grow and to share our experiences! Anthony is so incredibly precious, and definitely the highlight of your year! I'm hoping to get more into blogging this month too! It's hard when you're wrangling little ones though!

  2. Anthony is too darn cute! I especially love his little grin in the photo of y'all in front of the Christmas tree. What a year you had. :) Can't wait to follow along in 2018!

  3. Such a great and special year for you! It's so hard blogging with children so I say do what you can and what works for best you. I will always enjoy visiting and seeing your posts. Anthony is just the cutest!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  4. Happy New Year to you three! 2017 was a pretty incredible year for you all. I can't wait to see what 2018 brings you. Keep sharing all the baby Anthony pics, please! He's so sweet.

  5. Oh my gosh, what a year you've had! Olya, that little man is the most adorable! Great job on picking a word for 2017! Happy New Year to you guys!! Can't wait to see more from you in the new year!

  6. It is definitely hard to get back in to a blogging routine when you have littles. Just do what you can and dont stress! You have had quite a year, especially welcoming little man in to the mix :) Happy 2018!

  7. Looks like 2017 was an incredible year for your little family! Can't wait to see what 2018 has in store for y'all! And take your time getting back to a blogging routine and enjoy your snuggles with that little man!

  8. Cheers to a beautiful 2017 and a healthy, sweet, adorable baby boy!! I can't wait to see what sort of adventures Anthony brings for you and Chris. Enjoy it!!


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